Title 1 Family Engagement Survey Engaging Parents in their Child’s Education Dear Parents, Our school conducts outreach to all parents and family members and supports successful school and family interactions. Your help in planning these family engagement efforts is appreciated. Please complete the following survey in an effort for us to help support you and your child’s educational learning and educational success. Please click on the link below for the survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/W7JGNHC
over 3 years ago, Leeza Streetman
Please register for the DCSS Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting. The meeting will be held virtually on Tues., Oct. 20, 2020, 6 PM via MS Live Event. Each Registration will entitle you to chance for a Bobcat giveaway at the meeting. Click on the link below to register. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=_2z2glaSR0Gh9EWzHPXcCuQbIiqxWJlKr9yEidXzFDRURThWQURTMDc3Q1VIS0ZUQTlLWDlXWFdKSC4u
over 3 years ago, Leeza Streetman
Help me congratulate our wonderful school counselor Ms. Ashlee Pullins on being nominated for Georgia ACTE Counseling Award. This is a major accolade and we are hoping for her success in the nomination. We are Headed to the Top!
almost 4 years ago, Dooly County School System
Ms. Ashlee Pullins on being nominated for Georgia ACTE Counseling Award